| | Kyle Russell Earlier this month, Sony announced that it has already sold 10 million units of its PlayStation 4 game console since its launch last November, a record-setting... read more | | | Sarah Perez | | | Darrell Etherington | | | Steve O'Hear Why can't you Skype your doctor? That was the question Mikko Kiiskilä asked before co-founding Meedoc, an app and service that lets patients connect with their... read more | | | Colleen Taylor | | | Darrell Etherington | | | David Hirsch For the last few years there has been a lot of talk in the venture capital industry about automating the home and leveraging Internet-enabled devices for... read more | | | In this episode of Cribs we headed to Storm8, the company that makes lots of popular mobile social games.... read more | | | This episode of Fly or Die, focused on two different sex toys, may seem straightforward, but John and I actually... read more | | | Co-founders Ben Jenkins and Alexander Kane swung by the TechCrunch office recently to show off Sympler, their... read more | | To forward this newsletter to a friend, click here. | | |