| | Greg Kumparak Want to turn something on YouTube into a GIF, but don't want to futz with downloading third-party apps or digging around for an online converter? Here's a... read more | | | Alberto Jimenez In the summer of 2008, I was in Paris delivering a mobile payments presentation to the CEO of a French bank. At the end of the meeting, he asked me when we... read more | | | Alan Trefler If you are in the software business, you have to be cringing at the satirical portrayal of our industry in today's entertainment media. In HBO's... read more | | | The Gillmor Gang — Robert Scoble, Keith Teare, Kevin Marks, Dan Farber, and Steve Gillmor — struggle... read more | | | We’re in the mid-August tech news cycle (AKA, it’s pretty slow), which made for some interesting... read more | | | As you might have noticed, Foursquare made some big changes this summer. The first was the introduction of a new... read more | | To forward this newsletter to a friend, click here. | | |