Big rocket gets a launch window, flamethrowers sell fast and Apple looks to expand its use of ARM chips in Macs. All that and more in The Daily Crunch for January 29, 2018. 1. SpaceX is (hopefully) launching Falcon Heavy on February 6 Rockets: They come in different shapes and sizes. Elon Musk wants to start using a really big one called the Falcon Heavy, with a massive cargo load capacity, and he's hoping to fly the first of these on February 6. SpaceX will test fly the Falcon Heavy from Florida, and it's not clear what exactly will happen when it does. There could be some very, very large fireworks in store for folks around Cape Canaveral. 2. Meanwhile, Elon's selling flamethrowers of a different variety Falcon Heavy is going to produce a lot of fire, but you can pre-order a flamethrower from Elon Musk's Boring Company if you want a more manageable, consumer-friendly amount of flame output. 3. Apple might use ARM coprocessors in up to three Macs this year Apple might bring its ARM-based coprocessor to more Macs this year, to power security features and some controllers to help with power management. 4. Fitness app Strava shows off secret military base locations with social features It's yet another lesson in how being open and free with sharing of personal data might have unintended consequences. Security wonks in my Twitter feeds are going bananas over this, but that's not unusual for anything they sink their teeth into. 5. Intel gave Chinese PC makers a heads up on security flaws before the U.S. government The U.S. isn't thrilled that Intel seems to have given Lenovo and other Chinese tech companies an early warning about Meltdown and Spectre, which would translate to an early warning to the Chinese government in all likelihood, too. 6. Here's how the most unlikely Oscar contender got its fish man I really need to see this movie. |