The hungry consumer and the software pivot | Will the rich get richer with Apple’s new app store ads | Telecoms open shop on Madison Avenue, but will brands buy? | Governments must embrace the Information Age or risk becoming obsolete | How Seesaw accidentally became a teacher’s pet at 1/4 of US schools | Seoul’s new traffic signs warn of the dangers of texting while walking | OK, Europe: It’s your move |
SUNDAY, JUNE 26 2016 TODAY'S TOP STORIES: | | | | | | TOP HEADLINE | Ben Schippers | The internet has become a lonely space, and consumers are hungry for something new. We don't talk much anymore about new processors, video cards and faster... Read More… | | | | | Oren Kaniel Apple’s reveal of sponsored search ads on the App Store was overshadowed by its simultaneous opening up and improvement of its subscription offerings. But... Read More… | | | | CRUNCH NETWORK | Adam Cohen-Aslatei Many companies have transformed and realigned their focus with great success. Avon transitioned from peddling books door-to-door to marketing beauty products.... Read More… | | | | CRUNCH NETWORK | Kaspar Korjus Thirty-six years ago, futurist Alvin Toffler wrote The Third Wave, outlining the inevitable transition from a "Second Wave," characterized by an industrial... Read More… | | | | Josh Constine Seesaw’s educational app lets students save and share their assignments with their teachers, parents, and fellow classmates. They just snap a photo or... Read More… | | | | Lucia Maffei The Seoul Metropolitan Government announced traffic and pedestrian signs alerting the danger of using smartphones while walking on the street, soon to be... Read More… | | | | John Biggs I held the first Warsaw TechCrunch Meetup in 2007 at a pub called Lolek. We were visiting my wife’s parents and I figured I would post on the site and get... Read More… | | | | Newest Jobs From CrunchBoard: | | | | | If you do not want to receive this email or you would like to update your preferences click here. | | 410 Townsend Street, San Francisco, CA 94107 © 2016 AOL Inc. All rights reserved. Privacy Policy Terms of Service | | | | |