| | Natasha Lomas A new report into U.S. consumers' attitude to the collection of personal data has highlighted the disconnect between commercial claims that web users are happy... read more | | | John Biggs | | | Omar Téllez There was a time, not very long ago when Latinos living in the U.S. could only point to two successful Internet/software startups in their countries of origin:... read more | | | Tim Carter Paying at a local coffee shop or superstore with your smartphone instead of your bank card is convenient, but not much more convenient than using a credit card.... read more | | | | Ben Maitland Forget about HuffPo or what's left of the surprisingly profitable subscription dial-up unit: One of the primary reasons Verizon bought AOL was for its ad tech... read more | | | Diane Bryant Amid talk of the 50th anniversary of Moore's Law, one may be tempted to ask: so what? Three years before co-founding Intel, Gordon Moore observed that... read more | | | Sarah Buhr | | | Happy Friday! It’s time for another episode of CrunchWeek, the show that throws a few of us bloggers... read more | | | On Tuesday, Doppler Labs unveiled their second audio product with the Here Active Listening System. In short, these... read more | | | Today’s episode of Cribs had us criss-crossing the country to New York City, where mobile payments... read more | | To forward this newsletter to a friend, click here. | | |