| | Ryan Lawler Gamers who received new consoles for Christmas might find themselves unable to connect and play with friends, thanks to a coordinated attack by hackers who... read more | | | Catherine Shu Yesterday, Sony made "The Interview" available online through Google Play, YouTube Movies, and Xbox Video. Unfortunately, the film was restricted to the... read more | | | Jon Russell Popcorntime.io has added an optional VPN to its free movie and TV show streaming service, which is Hollywood's worst nightmare, but users will have to pay to... read more | | | Jon Russell LG is partnering up with Mercedes-Benz as it looks enable a smarter, more autonomous driving experience for the future. read more | | | Jonathan Shieber | | | Drew Austin A popular post on Quora by an early-stage startup founder triggered over 100 responses and more than 150,000 views -- myself included. In the post, the founder... read more | | | Sarah Buhr | | | Food startup Farmigo is a San Francisco transplant — like me. The company was initially based on the... read more | | | It’s been a long time coming: Blackberry’s return to its roots. Rather than chasing the pack,... read more | | | The Gillmor Gang — Robert Scoble, Alexia Tsotsis, Kevin Marks, and Steve Gillmor. Recorded live Friday,... read more | | To forward this newsletter to a friend, click here. | | |