| | Greg Kumparak Whether you've ever built an iOS app or not, you've probably heard tales of how frustrating it can be to get Apple's stamp of approval. But why does Apple... read more | | | Darrell Etherington | | | Ingrid Lunden Apple, the reports say, will add NFC technology to the iPhone 6, and it will debut a mobile wallet-style service that could include integrations with American... read more | | | Ryan Lawler Thanks to the proliferation of local transportation services like Uber, we're entering a world in which people have less reason to drive everywhere they need... read more | | | Natasha Lomas Last month on-demand ride-hailing service Uber faced a ban in Berlin on passenger safety grounds. That ban was suspended days later while the court in question... read more | | | Darrell Etherington A standing desk is a resource for the home office that's increasingly common, but they're still not affordable or convenient in most cases. The Press Fit... read more | | | Darrell Etherington | | | A couple of weeks ago, Hanx Writer, a typewriter app from movie star Tom Hanks, shot to the top of the Apple... read more | | | The Gillmor Gang — Dan Farber, Robert Scoble, John Taschek, Kevin Marks, Keith Teare, and Steve Gillmor.... read more | | | You can tell when summer is coming to an end: The weather turns cooler, the days run shorter, and tech news... read more | | To forward this newsletter to a friend, click here. | | |