| | Josh Constine When it comes to cyberbullying in his anonyous sharing app, Secret co-founder claimed "We don't see very much of that, if any" when we spoke on stage at SXSW.... read more | | | Darrell Etherington | | | Darrell Etherington | | | | John Biggs In an unsurprising move, ATM operators and other financial organizations are beginning to look to Linux as a replacement for their outdated Windows XP... read more | | | Mike Butcher Slowly, quietly, but increasingly more noisily, startups originally hailing from Europe but going global have been raising larger and larger funding rounds. The... read more | | | Darrell Etherington | | | Ryan Lawler The Internet is abuzz tonight with a report from the Wall Street Journal that Apple and Comcast have been talking about a streaming, over-the-top video service.... read more | | |
| When it comes to cyberbullying in his anonyous sharing app, Secret co-founder claimed "We don't see very much of... read more | | | Anonymity is all the rage these days, and so we bring our attention to Whisper. This week, we're joined by Leena... read more | | | The Gillmor Gang — Dan Farber, Semil Shah, Robert Scoble, Keith Teare, Kevin Marks, and Steve Gillmor — wade into... read more | | To forward this newsletter to a friend, click here. | | |