Vine might live after all. It's the Daily Crunch.

Tuesday, November 8, 2016 Posted by bloggerdaddy
TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 8 2016 By Anthony Ha

The Daily Crunch 11/08/16

Vine's hopes for survival, Facebook's latest privacy dispute and our review of GoPro's new drone. All that and more in The Daily Crunch for November 8, 2016. Oh, and did you hear that it's Election Day?

1. Twitter might sell Vine

Fans of Vine, hope is not lost. While Twitter announced last month that it was planning to shut down the social video platform, TechCrunch's Josh Constine repots that the company has received a number of bids to buy the service, including several from Asia. A source told Josh that some of the bids came in under $10 million, so Twitter probably won't make a lot of money on the deal — but at least it won't be a complete loss. And Vine will live on!


2. Facebook pauses WhatsApp data sharing in Europe

Facebook recently announced that it would be sharing data between WhatsApp, the messaging app it acquired for $19 billion, and Facebook itself. However, the company has now agreed to pause this data-sharing in the United Kingdom and across all 28 European Union member states following an investigation by the UK's data protection group ICO. (This only applies to data-sharing for ad purposes; it doesn't affect the data-sharing to fight spam and for business intelligence.) ICO says it's asked Facebook and WhatsApp to do a better job of explaining to customers how their data will be used.

3. Facebook tests job recruiting features

Speaking of Facebook, the social network has been testing new features that could help businesses recruit future employees directly from their Facebook Pages. Basically, businesses would be able to officially share job openings on their Pages, with information like job title and salary. Interested job seekers could also go to a company's Jobs tab to see all the listings. Altogether, this suggests Facebook could become more competitive with LinkedIn, at least if this rolls out broadly.

4. Meet GoPro's new drone

GoPro has a lot riding on the success of the Karma, its new quadcopter drone. TechCrunch's Matt Burns got to try it out and describes the Karma as "capable, packable, and easy to fly" and said you should basically think of it as "a flying GoPro mount." Plus, it uses GoPro's best cameras, so you can count on high-quality video. The downsides are a lack of some advanced features like collision detection. The Karma costs $799 without a camera (though there are bundles with cameras as well).

5. YouTube adds HDR support

YouTube just added support for HDR video, with HDR-enabled content going live on select YouTube channels. (There's a launch playlist available here.) For those of you who don't know what HDR is, it offers improved picture quality with higher contrast. HDR TVs are just starting to hit the market, but when you decide to buy one, YouTube will be ready. And for YouTube creators, HDR video upload is now an option. Don't have an HDR camera? YouTube is also making HDR recording gear available in its Los Angeles studios.

6. Google Maps adds a polling place finder

You might have heard that there's an election going on today in the United States. Now, if you're registered to vote and don't know where, a) seriously? and b) Google Maps can help. When you open Maps, a banner will pop up offering to Find Your Polling Place, which then brings up a customized search query. So there's no excuse!

And seriously, please vote if you're eligible. This is an important one.

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