| Darrell Etherington Google has admitted that at least one of its mystery barges (there are currently four registered, apparently) will host "interactive space[s] where people can... read more | |
| Darrell Etherington Nvidia has some side bets on Surface and Windows RT, but Android is the really exciting OS of the future, according to CEO and co-founder Jen-Hsun Huang on an... read more | |
| Natasha Lomas Smartphone maker HTC is going through a tough time -- and having something of an identity crisis that's playing out as a rebranding exercise. That's why it's... read more | |
| Romain Dillet What do Instagram, the Raspberry Pi and the movie "Up" have in common? When you mash all these things together, you get Upstagram, a neat hack that the... read more | |
| Darrell Etherington Microsoft has posted an extensive, 12-minute video walkthrough of what it's like to use the Xbox One, including showing off its Live TV, Skype, game DVR and... read more | |
| Aswath Damodaran As the offering date for Twitter approached, the bankers could not seem to make up their minds on the pricing, with the offering price rising from $17-$20... read more | |
| Alexia Tsotsis It's been a long hard road for Dave Morin's Path, as it has seen lagging growth in a tough ("fruit fly experiments" anyone?) social market. These data points... read more | |